What are the most important benefits of a collaborative recruiting?
In companies with a collaborative recruiting model, recruiting is a team endeavor. It means that the hiring manager includes the company’s employees in the process of finding and hiring the ideal job candidate.
Although this may seem as being a more complicated recruiting model at first, it actually improves the whole recruitment process and leads to better hiring results.
It is also very beneficial for all the relevant stakeholders: your HR team, employees and candidates.
In this blog post, you will learn all the potential benefits collaborative recruiting can have for your recruiting process and your company’s bottom line.

A comprehensive list of a collaborative recruitment's benefits
Here is the detailed list with 20 benefits of a collaborative recruiting. Implementing a collaborative recruiting process at your company will help you:
Collaborative recruiting benefit #1: Create realistic job descriptions
One of the best, but the often overlooked practice of collaborative recruiting is to involve your current employees into reviewing and adjusting job description templates. Your employees who work in the same position as the one you are looking to fill can provide the best insights into the real job requirements, duties and responsibilities for that specific role at your company.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #2: Create a better candidate persona
When creating your candidate persona - the representation of your ideal job candidate, you should start with your current employees. Interview some of your best employees to find out more about them. That way, you can create a detailed profile of people you want more in your company.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #3: Write more attractive job advertisements
You best employees can also help you write the best job advertisements. Ask your A-players why they love working at your company and what made them choose your company as their employer of choice. Use the gathered insights to adjust your employee value proposition and use it as a magnet for talent!

Collaborative recruiting benefit #4: Strengthen your employer brand
By presenting your company’s collaborative recruiting process you will showcase your company culture and provide proof that you value your employees and their opinions and expertise. That way, you will position your employer brand as progressive and join companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix who also use collaborative recruiting model.

Collaborative recruiting benefit #5: Attract better candidates
By creating realistic job descriptions, writing effective job advertisements and presenting a strong employer brand with a collaborative company culture, you will be able to attract better candidates much easier. The right fit talent will be drawn to your company, while those who are not a good fit will be turned away, saving your time and money.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #6: Get referrals easier
When you make your recruiting process collaborative, your employees will take ownership over it. They will feel as their responsibility to help your company hire great people. Consequently, you will be able to get more referrals from your employees. Your employees will be happy to recommend great candidates form their personal networks!
Collaborative recruiting benefit #7: Widen the reach of your job posts
When you establish hiring as the company’s priority, not only your HR team’s responsibility, it will be much easier to get your employees to help you recruit the right people for your company by sharing your company’s job post on their personal social media profiles. This is very important because content shared by employees goes 561% further than the same content shared on a brand owned channel, according to Social Media Today.

Collaborative recruiting benefit #8: Improve the evaluation of your candidates’ skills
When you include more people in your selection process, you will get different perspectives and opinions. Consequently, you will be able to make a more thorough evaluation of your candidates skills and experiences.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #9: Improve cultural fit assessment
Hiring the candidate with the best skills and the most relevant experience for a certain position won’t mean a thing is this candidate can’t work well with your existing employees. This is why you need to hire the best talent by finding the perfect fit - not only for your open job position but also for your team and your company culture. Introducing your candidate with their potential future colleagues during the selection process is the best way to assess your candidate’s cultural fit.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #10: Achieve better offer acceptance rate
For top talent, working with other experts is highly important. Introducing your top candidates with your existing A-players can serve as your strongest selling point. This is why it is important to include your top performing employees into your recruiting process and allow them a chance to make a connection with your best candidates.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #11: Shorten your time to hire
In the traditional, top-down recruiting model, there is usually a lot of friction between the recruiters and hiring managers. A lack of communication can stale the whole process and cause bottlenecks. On the other hand, in the collaborative recruiting model, everyone works together more closely, which results in a faster and smoother recruiting process.

Collaborative recruiting benefit #12: Establish a transparent hiring process
The traditional recruiting model can be quite mysterious to the rest of your company. Most people in your company aren’t familiar with what your hiring managers do, how they find candidates and how they choose who to hire. On the contrary, involving more people, especially your “regular” employees into your recruiting process will make it become more open and transparent.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #13: Avoid unconsciousness biases
By including more people into your recruiting process and being open to hearing out their impression and opinions, you will get more diversified perspectives. That will help you uncover unconscious biases and improve the fairness and equality principles of your whole recruitment process.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #14: Improve hiring diversity
Involving more people in your recruiting process will ultimately lead to a more diversified recruiting team. A more diversified recruiting team will be more attentive to diversity issues and consequently lead to improved hiring and workplace diversity.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #15: Enhance your company culture
Introducing a collaborative recruiting into your company will contribute to creating a more open, collaborative company culture. Building a great company culture is an important factor that greatly influences your employees’ engagement and productivity. It also has a strong impact on your business bottom line. Companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in revenue growth, according to Forbes.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #16: Reduce stress
In a traditional recruiting model, hiring managers bear all the responsibilities of recruiting process, They often have no one to turn to for help and face tight deadlines. As a result, they are often under a lot of stress. In a collaborative recruiting model, a responsibility for the recruiting process and outcomes is shared between more people, which lessens the stress. Collaborative recruiting is thus a great way to avoid burnout and retain your employees.

Collaborative recruiting benefit #17: Improve employee engagement
When you give your employees a voice in the recruiting process, you’re sending them a message that their opinions and expertise is valued and appreciated. Collaborative recruiting is a great way to empower your employees and boost their engagement.

Collaborative recruiting benefit #18: Improve employee productivity
When your employees are more engaged, they will also be more productive. Employee engagement leads to the more productive workforce. In fact, according to the Workplace Research Foundation, employee engagement has been shown to boost productivity by up to 38%!
Collaborative recruiting benefit #19: Improve employee retention
If you include your employees in your recruiting process, they will feel valued and appreciated, be more engaged and happy at work. As the result, they will stay with your company longer. According to Gallup’s research, engaged employees are 59% less likely to look for a job with a different organization in the next 12 months.
Collaborative recruiting benefit #20: Quicker ramp-up time
In a collaborative recruiting process, you candidates have the chance to get to know people who will they work closely with if they get the job. Once they get a job and start working, it will be easier for them to adjust because they have had already met their closest coworkers. Additionally, employees who had an active part in the selection process will be more invested to see new employees succeed. They will be eager to offer them a warm welcome and any kind of assistance and training. As a result, your new employees will become fully productive in a shorter period of time.
A proof of collaborative recruiting benefits - all the leading companies use it
Collaborative recruiting is used by many leading companies such as Apple, Google and Netflix.

Collaborative recruiting is especially popular among tech companies. This is because collaborative recruiting offers a practical and effective solution for a common problem in recruiting tech talent - HR team not having a deep enough technical background to cover all the basis. This is why many tech companies rely on their employees to take part in the hiring process. Tech managers and developers collaborate closely with HR managers and help them choose the best candidates.
Due to all the benefits of collaborative recruiting, many other companies from different industries have started implementing collaborative recruiting practices as well.
How to implement a collaborative recruiting process at your company?
If you want to implement a collaborative recruiting at your company and reap all the benefits of the team-based hiring process, check out our detailed Guide for Collaborative Recruiting and Hiring.
How can TalentLyft help you achieve better collaborative recruiting results?
TalentLyft is a modern, all-in-one recruiting software created to enable and support a collaborative recruitment process.
With TalentLyft, your hiring team can easily collaborate and effectively communicate in all phases of the recruitment process.
TalentLyft can also save your hiring team a lot of time by automating many time-consuming tasks and offering many other benefits.
If you’re interested to find out how exactly can TalentLyft help you establish a more collaborative and effective recruiting process, our experts will be happy to demonstrate it in a free personalized demo.