
60 Benefits of a Recruitment Software

Recruitment Software is designed to automate, streamline and fasten the recruitment. But how exactly can a Recruitment Software improve your whole recruiting process? Here is the list of 60 benefits of a Recruitment Software


What is a Recruitment Software?

Recruitment Software is an HR tool designed to automate, streamline and improve the recruitment process.

When the first Recruitment Software appeared 20 years ago, it was created to automate a hiring process in enterprise companies.

HR departments in big companies needed help to manage a ton of paperwork and spreadsheets.
This is why the first Applicant Tracking Systems were born - to help HR managers process applications

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In the meantime, recruiting industry underwent a few major changes.

Employment rates are lower, which means that the competition for candidates has peaked.
The biggest issue facing the recruiting industry is a war for talent


The future is not looking bright either. 

Today’s companies struggle not only with processing numerous candidates’ applications but also with finding and attracting talent.

As a consequence, a new Recruitment Software solutions appeared.
There are many different Recruitment Software specialized for different hiring stages. 

Check out our checklist of features every modern recruiting tool should have

Recruitment Software for all recruitment phases

Modern HR professionals can choose between 4 different types of Recruitment Software that cover all the phases of the recruitment process:


  1. Find talent ➡️ Sourcing tools
  2. Attract talent ➡️ Recruitment Marketing Platforms
  3. Engage talent ➡️ Candidate Relationship Management Systems
  4. Select the best candidates ➡️ Applicant Tracking Systems

1. Sourcing Tools


Sourcing tools are the type of Recruitment Software specialized in sourcing and finding talent.

Sourcing tools perform the web search and scan millions of online profiles to retrieve passive and active candidates’ details including email addresses, resumes and more.

Since employee referral programs and social media recruiting can also be considered as sourcing activities, these two features can be either part of a sourcing tool or an Applicant Tracking System.

2. Recruitment Marketing Platform


Recruitment Marketing Platforms are the type of Recruitment Software specialized in attracting talent.

Recruitment Marketing Platforms are used to ensure effective presentation of company's Employer Brand and Employee Value Proposition.

With a Recruitment Marketing Platform, you can showcase your Employer Brand through different channels, such as your company’s career site, social media, recruiting events, etc.

3. Candidate Relationship Management System


Candidate Relationship Management Systems are the type of Recruitment Software specialized for engaging talent.

Candidate Relationship Management System is a software for building and maintaining long-term relationships with current and potential future job candidates.

Candidate Relationship Management System is used to automate communication process with the candidates, encourage candidate engagement and improve the candidate experience.

4. Applicant Tracking System


Applicant Tracking Systems are the type of Recruitment Software specialized in streamlining and managing your recruitment processes and enables recruiters to make candidate selection more effective

Applicant Tracking Systems help HR professionals manage applications by automating resume parsing and screening.

With an Applicant Tracking System, you can also create searchable candidate database and keep track of job applicants at different stages of recruitment process.

A comprehensive list of a Recruitment Software's benefits

Different types of Recruitment Software offer different features that provide different benefits.

Bellow, you can see a list of the key benefits offered by each Recruitment Software type:

1. Sourcing Tools


The list of benefits offered by Sourcing Tools include:

Benefit #1: Automated web sourcing

Use the most innovative techniques to scan over thousands or millions of online candidate profiles with web sourcing feature.

Benefit #2: Smart search filters

Sourcing tools use advanced search filters that will help you find candidates that will enable you source candidates in accordance with your specific criteria, such as specific skills, education, experience and other.

Benefit #3: Smart sourcing algorithms

Smart sourcing algorithms are used to perform a single search on several databases, including CV databases, social media platforms or business networks simultaneously.

Benefit #4: Automated Boolean operators

Sourcing tools’ semantic search technology uses complex search engine commands (Boolean operators) to help you source candidates with specific skills, education, experience and other.

Benefit #5: Structured employee referral programs

Employee referral features enable you to make your referral programs more organized, structured and productive.

Benefit #6: Social media sourcing

Social recruiting goes beyond posting current vacant jobs ads on your company’s social network accounts. Use social media networks to proactively source potential candidates.

Benefit #7: Facebook Job Tab

Make it easy for your Facebook followers to apply for your open job positions by posting jobs on your Facebook Job Tab. Facebook job tab is easy to set up, and once you do it, it automatically updates.

Benefit #8: Sourcing email templates

Instead of writing your sourcing emails from the scratch, use customizable templates to save time and entice passive candidates.

Benefit #9: Compliance with data protection guidelines

Using a sourcing software will ensure that you manage and keep your candidate data secure and aligned with all relevant data protection guidelines.

Benefit #10: Easy team collaboration and communication

Easily share info about sourced candidates with team members who need them.

Benefit #11: Define team member roles

Assign different roles to each of your team members to control who has an access to what info.

Benefit #12: Sourcing analytics

Automatically monitor, track and measure every step of your sourcing process. Create, export and share beautiful reports with the most important metrics such as Time-to-source, Applicants per job opening, Number of applicants per source, Number of hires per source, Source of best applicants, etc.

Benefit #13: Integrations

Integrate with a variety of platforms such as Gmail, Slack, your Applicant Tracking System, HRIS and other HR tools.

2. Recruitment Marketing Platform


The list of benefits offered by Recruitment Marketing Platforms include:

Benefit #1: Branded career sites

Design a beautiful and inviting career site to make candidates apply for job openings.

Benefit #2: Multilingual career sites

With a Recruitment Marketing Platform, you can have a multilingual career site. This platform will automatically detect the language candidates are using and display your career site in their own language.

Benefit #3: Customizable application forms

Create highly customizable application forms that will reduce the abandon rate and generate more high-quality applicants.

Benefit #4: Mobile friendly

Ensure that your career site and application forms look and work great both on the desktop and mobile devices.

Benefit #5: Career Blogs

Post great articles about some current projects, give career tips to candidates and tell them more about your company’s culture.

Benefit #6: Employee testimonial pages

Add an employee testimonial page to your career site to help candidates to get to know your team and your company culture better.

Benefit #7: Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization will ensure that job you descriptions, roles and requirements are optimized for search engines such as Google. This enables candidates to easily find you online.

Benefit #8: Social media recruiting

Communicate your jobs and company culture on social media to attract Millennials.

Benefit #9: Customizable job description templates

Instead of writing your job descriptions from scratch, use customizable job description templates to save time and make sure that you don’t miss any of the key requirements for a certain job position.

Benefit #10: Automated job ad distribution

Post jobs on multiple free and premium job boards with a single click.

Benefit #11: Talent Networks

Invite interested candidates who are not quite yet ready to apply for your open job positions to join your Talent Network. Nurture them with engaging content to stay at the top of their mind when they decide to take the next step in their careers.

Benefit #12: Compliance with data protection guidelines

Using a sourcing software will ensure that you manage and keep your candidate data secure and aligned with all relevant data protection guidelines.

Benefit #13: Easy team collaboration and communication

Easily share info about candidates with team members who need them.

Benefit #14: Define team member roles

Assign different roles to each of your team members to control who has an access to what info.

Benefit #15: Recruitment Marketing analytics

Automatically monitor, track and measure every step of your Recruitment Marketing process.

Create, export and share beautiful reports with the most important Recruitment Marketing metrics such as: Employer Branding metrics, Social Media Recruiting metrics, Career site metrics and Recruiting Email metrics.

Benefit #16: Integrations

Integrate with a variety of platforms such as Gmail, Slack, Google Analytics, different marketing tools, your HRIS and candidate testing platforms.

3. Candidate Relationship Management System


The list of benefits offered by Candidate Relationship Management Systems include:

Benefit #1: Build talent pools

Build your talent pool for future roles and job openings. Once a need arises, use your talent goldmine to search for perfect-match candidates.

Benefit #2: Segment talent pools

Divide the candidates from your talent pool into different candidates groups based on your chosen criteria, such as: job position, work experience, career goals, skills, readiness to change jobs, location, etc.

Benefit #3: Create targeted email campaigns

Create awesome email campaigns and ensure relevant, personalized and timely candidate communication.

Benefit #4: Automate invitations to your events, workshops and meetups

Schedule and send automatized, but personalized emails to candidates and invite them to your events, workshops and meetups. Automated registration, reminders and follow-ups will ensure that all your messages are delivered at the right time.

Benefit #5: Build rich candidates’ profiles

Continuously update your candidates’ profiles with the new information you gather through candidates’ surveys and their interaction with your company.

Benefit #6: Track candidate journey touchpoints

Automatically track and measure candidates’ interaction with your company to determine the candidate journey stage they are in. There are 5 stages through which job seekers typically go through: Awareness, Consideration, Interest, Application, Selection and Hire.

Benefit #7: Ensure timely communication with candidates

Easily schedule and automatically send a personalized email and text messages to your candidates to keep them engaged and build a long-term, meaningful relationship.

Benefit #8: Conduct candidate surveys

Conducting candidate surveys will help you understand how you can optimize your recruiting process. Get valuable insights from your candidates using automated surveys.

Benefit #9: Track candidate engagement levels

By automatically tracking and measuring candidates’ interactions with your career site and email campaigns you will be able to get precise calculations of their engagement level.

Benefit #10: Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) email templates

Using this email templates will save your time and help you build meaningful relationships with candidates. Schedule them and send this personalized emails in bulk with just one click!

Benefit #11: Easy team collaboration and communication

Easily share info about candidates with team members who need them.

Benefit #12: Define team member roles

Assign different roles to each of your team members to control who has an access to what info.

Benefit #13: Candidate Relationship Management analytics

Automatically monitor, track and measure every step of your Candidate Relationship Management process. Create, export and share beautiful reports with the most important metrics such as: email campaigns open, response and conversion rates, candidate surveys response rates, event metrics, talent pool and Talent Network growth rate, etc.

Benefit # 14: Video communication

Video recruiting is one of the leading trends in the world of recruiting. Use video recruiting emails to communicate with your potential candidates and job applicants. Video can be used for both cold recruiting emails and for communication with existing job applicants.

Benefit #15: Integrations

Integrate with a variety of platforms such as Gmail, Slack, Google Analytics, different marketing tools, your HRIS and candidate testing platforms.

4. Applicant Tracking System


The list of benefits offered by Applicant Tracking Systems include:

Benefit #1: All candidates in one database

All of your applicants and their rich profiles will be in one searchable database.

Benefit #2: Rich candidate profiles

When the applicant applies, an Applicant Tracking System automatically stores all of the applicant’s documents like their application, cover letter, CV and contact information, creating their rich, searchable candidates’ profiles.

Benefit #3: Searchable database

From an existing candidate pool, easily find high-quality applicants from previous job openings.

Benefit #4: Easy candidate progress tracking

Access, track and manage candidates’ progress directly from the software to make your hiring more streamlined.

Benefit #5: Applicant evaluation scorecards

Use a quantitative applicant evaluation scorecard to evaluate the qualifications and suitability of job applicants to structure and improve your hiring decisions.

Benefit #6: Automated application form screening

Automatically screen application forms and eliminate candidates who are not qualified.

Benefit #7: Automated resume parsing

One of the most useful Applicant Tracking System benefits is the automatization of time-consuming activity of resume screening. Applicant Tracking System will automatically convert many different free-form resume documents into a set of structured, comparable information.

Benefit #8: Automated resume screening

One of the most useful Applicant Tracking System benefits is the automatization of time-consuming activity of resume screening. Applicant Tracking System will automatically determine whether a candidate is qualified for a role based on set criteria, such as: education, experience, skills, etc.

Benefit #9: Automated interview scheduling

Send automated emails with interview appointment that automatically sync with your work calendar.

Benefit #10: Customizable recruiting email templates

Save time and use existing or create your own email recruiting templates.

Benefit #11: Automated email responses

Schedule and send personalized bulk email responses to every applicant with just one click!

Benefit #12: Interview kits and scorecards

Use existing or create your own interview kits and scorecards to best evaluate candidates.

Benefit #13: Compliance with data protection guidelines

Using a sourcing software will ensure that you manage and keep your candidate data secure and aligned with all relevant data protection guidelines.

Benefit #14: Easy team collaboration and communication

Easily share info about candidates with team members who need them.

Benefit #15: Define team member roles

Assign different roles to each of your team members to control who has an access to what info.

Benefit #16: Applicant Tracking Systems analytics

Automatically monitor, track and measure every step of your hiring process. Create, export and share beautiful reports with the most important hiring metrics such as: time-to-hire, cost-to-hire, applicants-per-source, offer acceptance rate, hires per recruiter, etc.

Benefit #17: Integrations

Integrate with a variety of platforms such as Gmail, Slack, Google Analytics, different marketing tools, your HRIS and candidate testing platforms.

How to choose a Recruitment Software?

There are numerous different Recruitment Software in the market.

How to choose the best solution that will fit your needs perfectly?

There are many things to consider when choosing your perfect Recruitment Software.

Deciding which Recruitment Software to buy can be a time consuming and nerve breaking process.

This is why we structured the whole complex process of choosing the best Recruitment Software in 4 easy-to-follow steps:


Following these 4 steps will help you save time, stay focused and choose the best Recruitment Software that perfectly suits your needs!

Step #1: Define your recruiting challenges

First, and crucial step in finding your perfect Recruitment Software is clearly defining your recruiting goals and challenges.

Step #2: Research Recruitment Software providers

The second step is conducting an online research to find a few different Recruitment Software providers that seem like a good fit for your hiring needs.
Make sure they offer all of your preferred features and affordable pricing plan.

Step #3: Demo your top Recruitment Software solutions

Schedule a personalized demo with your top Recruitment Software providers.
When you see their solutions in action, you will be able to narrow down your choice to a 2 or 3 top products.
It is also a great opportunity to ask demo presenters every little detail you need to make an informed decision.

Step #4: Decide after a free trial

The final step is to try out your top Recruitment Software solutions for yourself!
Most of Recruitment Software providers offer a possibility of a free trial.
Take advantage of it to choose the Recruitment Software that is most simple and easy to use!

Recruitment Software cost

How much does Recruitment Software cost?

There is no single answer as different vendors have different pricing models based on different factors, such as:

How to choose the best pricing model for your company?

Do you want to have a functional, easy to use Recruitment Software with features that make your life easier? And do you want it with the most affordable price?

If so, when choosing a pricing model, there are 2 most important criteria to consider:

  1. The number of job openings you usually have at a time,
  2. The set of must-have features.

Our suggestion is to find a few Recruitment Software solutions that perfectly fit your needs, and then compare their price and choose the one that fits your budget, too.

Also, if you’re hiring seasonal workers and have a high hiring volume only a few months a year, and no hiring needs in the rest of the year, a monthly subscription will probably suit you better.

If you’re hiring all year long, keep in mind that annual subscriptions are more cost-effective as most vendors will provide a substantial discount.

Need a Recruitment Software?

TalentLyft is all-in-one Recruitment Software which can help you organize and fasten your recruiting process.

With our TalentLyft tool you can manage, monitor, track and measure your whole hiring process from one place:

  1. TalentLyft Source helps you source and find the best candidates.
  2. TalentLyft Convert attracts candidates and encourages them to apply.
  3. TalentLyft Engage makes it easy to build relationships with candidates and keep them engaged.
  4. TalentLyft Track will help you organize and automate your selection process.
  5. TalentLyft Hiring Analytics Solution provides invaluable analysis, metrics and reports.

Sounds interesting? 🤔

Try our services for free (for 14 days, no credit card required to sign up, cancel anytime)!
Once you are in the free trial, you can let our team know about your needs in the live chat.
During the free trial, we will gladly demonstrate all the benefits of our all-in-one Recruitment Software! 🙂

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2024 Guide to Buying a Recruiting Tool

2024 Guide to Buying a Recruiting Tool

Looking for a new Recruitment Software? Replacing the old one? Not sure about what type of a recruitment tool to invest in? This guide is for you!
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Further reading

How to Create a Hiring Plan That Works How to Create a Hiring Plan That Works
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