What is the state of the COVID-19 job market? As the layoffs and hiring freezes continue, some companies are hiring vigorously amidst the coronavirus crisis. Find out who is hiring and who is firing in the time of coronavirus!

What is the state of the COVID-19 job market? As the layoffs and hiring freezes continue, some companies are hiring vigorously amidst the coronavirus crisis. Find out who is hiring and who is firing in the time of coronavirus!
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global economy, which in turn had a tremendous impact on the job market. ⚡
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the lockdown measures across the globe are having “devastating” consequences on labor markets, affecting around 81% of the world’s workforce. 😰
Furloughs? Layoffs? Hiring?
All of the above!
According to a recent survey of more than 250 companies, varying in size and sector, conducted by Challenger, Gray & Christmas:
⚠️ An estimated 46 million Americans have already been laid off or seen a reduction in hours as a result of COVID-19, according to Gallup survey data collected until March 31, 2020. 😲
However, not all industries have been affected at the same rate. According to the United Nations, employees in 4 sectors that have experienced the most “drastic” effects of the coronavirus crisis:
✅ On the other hand, companies in certain industries are hiring vigorously due to the sudden growing need for their services. Top 5 industries extensively hiring because of coronavirus crisis are:
So without any further ado, let’s find out what companies are hiring in the midst of the coronavirus crisis!
Below you can find 15 lists containing more than 10 000 companies hiring in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. 👇
* These are by no means comprehensive lists! However, most of them are updated regularly with the newest available information on the companies hiring amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
✔️ Here are 4 lists with the largest number of companies still hiring at the moment:
Jobscan: The ultimate list of more than 5200 companies currently hiring
The list of companies hiring is mostly user-generated and incorporates many different sources.
Blind: List of 1200+ companies still hiring during COVID-19
Blind has created a list of companies that are still hiring amidst COVID-19. This is a user-generated list.
Coda.io: List of 260+ companies currently hiring
There are currently over 250 companies in this list, and more get added daily. You can filter it by location and role.
Muse: List of 82 companies still hiring
From the account manager at Unilever to content strategist at Clearlink, there are a variety of roles and opportunities available in a mix of industries.
✔️ Here are the lists of companies currently hiring remote employees:
FlexJobs: Top 70 companies hiring remote workers during COVID-19
FlexJobs analyzed its 2020 list of the top 100 remote-friendly companies and identified the top 70 companies that are hiring for remote-friendly positions right now.
Virtual Vocations: List of 25 companies currently hiring remote workers
Virtual Vocations job board has provided a list of the top telecommute-friendly employers with remote work opportunities currently hiring.
Yahoo finance: List of 7 companies hiring remote workers during COVID-19
This list includes the top 7 companies that confirmed they are currently hiring. You can find information about their open job positions as well as the short blurb about each company hiring.
✔️ Here are the lists of startup companies currently hiring:
Jai Sajnani: List of 400 startups companies currently hiring
This list contains more than 400 startup companies from around the globe that are actively hiring during COVID-19.
Layoffs.fyi: List of 440+ startup companies firing employees
This list contains more than 440 startup companies still hiring. A list of companies is compiled primarily from public reports.
✔️ Here are the lists of companies hiring by industry:
Retail: List of 120+ retail companies currently hiring
The National Retail Federation regularly updates this list of retail companies extensively hiring because of coronavirus demand.
✔️ Here are the lists of companies hiring by location such as country, state and cities:
Canada: List of the 10 biggest companies hiring in Canada
A list of the biggest companies in Canada currently looking for employees.
New Jersey: List of 800+ companies hiring in New Jersey
The State of New Jersey has launched a dedicated COVID-19 job and hiring portal that contains a list of more than 800 companies currently hiring!
Kentucky: List of 500+ companies currently hiring in Kentucky
The Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center has launched a dedicated COVID-19 portal containing the list of companies still hiring across the state.
Boston: List of 100 companies currently hiring in Boston
A wide variety of industries, companies and roles.
Austin: List of 250 companies hiring in Austin
Austin Chamber of Commerce regularly updates this list of companies hiring in Austin.
Atlanta: List of 50 companies hiring in Atlanta
A list of companies hiring in metro Atlanta that are operational and hoping to hire.
The coronavirus outbreak has triggered an unprecedented number of layoffs and furloughs. Not only small businesses but also many major companies such as Disney, Lyft, Marriott International and Tesla have announced they are downsizing their workforces.
❌ Here are 2 lists with the largest number of companies firing due to the COVID-19:
Candor: List of 7200+ companies laying off employees
The list is 100% user-generated and updating live.
Jobscan: List of more than 570+ companies firing employees
The list of companies hiring is mostly user-generated and incorporates many different sources.
❌ Here is the list of companies furloughing their employees:
USA Today: List od 21 companies temporarily laying off the most people
USA Today reviewed news reports and company financial documents to identify 21 of the country's famous businesses furloughing the most workers.
❌ Here is the list of startup companies firing employees due to the coronavirus situation:
Layoffs.fyi: List of 340+ startup companies firing employees
Layoffs.fyi Coronavirus Tracker is tracking all startup layoffs (and opt-in lists of employees laid off) since the coronavirus was declared a pandemic. Data is compiled primarily from public reports.
The impact of COVID-19 on the job market is large and unequal. Some industries are especially affected by the spread of the coronavirus. As we can see from the lists above, while some companies are firing, others are hiring extensively.
For companies still hiring, the spread of COVID-19 has brought a completely new set of recruitment challenges. Besides hiring frenzy or freeze, companies are also struggling to adapt their hiring processes and budgets to these challenging times.
To learn more about the most pressing recruitment challenges companies are facing in the time of the coronavirus pandemic, check out our blog post: