Learn how to find and hire great developers without spending a fortune! Discover the best tips and tricks as well as tools and processes you should know if you want to find and hire developers at affordable rates.

Learn how to find and hire great developers without spending a fortune! Discover the best tips and tricks as well as tools and processes you should know if you want to find and hire developers at affordable rates.
Hiring remote employees, especially developers and other tech professionals can be a challenge. Are you looking to hire a developer? Or information on where to find developers?
In this blog post, you'll learn tips and tricks as well as tools and processes you should consider if you want to find and hire developers.
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Good preparation is half of the work. Here are some questions aim to optimize your developer recruitment process.
With these questions, you will also be able to identify areas where you can be more cost-efficient in your recruitment, as well as the possible places and entry points where you can find developers.
Be clear on the developer skills and expertise that you need.
Understanding your development needs clarifies the direction of your recruitment. A simple but vague “In need of web developer to build a website” does not provide enough information to potentially interested developers.
Clearly outlining your job requirements and some of the parameters of your project would attract developers that are interested and have the skills that you may need.
Make sure to know exactly who you are looking for. Are you looking to hire a Java developer or a Javascript developer? Or maybe a Python developer? Not sure? Learn how to identify the right skills for tech roles.
Begin searching among your local network of friends and acquaintances.
Your network is one of the most reliable sources for finding quality hires for your project, aside from social networks and online job postings. Ask your employees to spread the word to their respective networks or provide you with referrals that may qualify.
One of the top ways for job-seekers to find a job is through employee referrals. Through this, vetting potential hires is a lot more manageable and reliable.
Figure out if working with remote teams is possible with your budget and project scope.
Is remote work the future of company employment models? Yes. The talent shortage issue is one of the major reasons why companies employ remote teams for projects. Another major reason is the changing career expectations of job seekers.
The option to hire remote employees or remote teams brings a number of advantages to you and your project:
Improved team and individual productivity.
Enhanced employee engagement.
Reduced operational costs, like remote programmer salary and overhead.
It meets the interest and expectations of potential younger workers.
Modernizing employment management approach.
If working with remote teams is possible, identify where and how to post remote IT jobs and hire remote developers.
There are a number of ways to hire developers; such as through referrals or word-of-mouth through your network, hiring local development services, or outsourcing development services. For outsourcing development services, the way on how to manage remote teams differentiates the approaches.
Outsourcing Development Services
Outsourcing is when companies or individuals employ the services of a third-party outsourcing service provider to hire and manage a team of remote developers to complete business processes or tasks.
Offshore software development is where a company or business employs the skills and services of their remote teams based overseas to complete their project.
In employing IT outstaffing services, the company has more direct oversight of its developers since they directly hire and manage their remote teams.
With these approaches, you or your company are able to tap into a global tech talent pool of remote developers with highly diversified skill sets, technical backgrounds, and cultures.
If you intend to hire developers, it is best to research programmer salary rates both globally and locally. This will give you an overview of the salary range for the type of developer you will need.
It will also help you identify the appropriate salary to allocate to your developer job offer.
Country | Developer Salary |
US | |
Ukraine | |
UK | |
Australia | |
New Zealand | |
Canada | |
France | |
Singapore | |
Hongkong | |
Japan |
City | Developer Salary |
Seattle, Washington (US) | |
New York, New York (US) | |
Los Angeles, California (US) | |
San Francisco, California (US) | |
Chicago, Illinois (US) | |
London, England (UK) | |
Paris, France | |
Tokyo, Japan | |
Melbourne, Australia | |
Kiev, Ukraine |
Transform your usual job posting into their dream job.
Recruiters and companies should see beyond what they need and their limits, and ensure that the job offers are framed in a way that attracts and encourages professionals to apply.
More than 40% of hires and 85% of applications come from either career sites and job boards. Job posting content should be inclusive of what we expect of our potential hires and what advantages we can have working for the company.
Ensure to clarify your requirements and include other aspects that are attractive to potential hires:
Overview of company mission, vision, and goals
Overview of compensation
Company culture
Potential opportunity for growth
Job postings are not only for companies to look for additional staff or employees but to also help professionals and other job seekers an opportunity for employment and career growth. And an attractive job posting is a way to build such a connection between the company and job seekers.
Here are a few questions that will help you optimize and improve your developer candidates screening process and help you choose the best candidate:
Look beyond the technical skills on resumes and verify them with their portfolios.
Resumes are no longer a concrete and reliable measure of the skills and experience of a potential employee. To supplement the skill sets, technical background, and experience found in resumes, it is highly recommended to check and verify the information with portfolios.
In the tech industry, written technology skills on resumes have to be supported by actual projects. Portfolios showcase the skills that a developer has, and provides an idea to recruiters on how well they fit the requirements.
Use modern tools to conduct skills testing of potential hires.
In recruiting for tech talent especially developers, skills and proficiency tests are nearly mandatory. This measures their skills and capacity to adapt to the requirements of the hiring company.
For developer recruitment, these tests come in the form of small coding tests. The potential hire is provided with a problem, then is given the tools to come up with code that solves it.
When possible, set up a trial period for both you and the intended hire.
Through this, you can assess if the developer is indeed fit for the job and meets its requirements. The recruit has the opportunity to evaluate whether the job meets their expectations.
From this approach, the company can conclude whether they can keep the recruit and have them continue working on the project, or look for another developer as soon as possible. If it concludes with the recruit being unfit for the position, the company is able to save resources from retaining an unsatisfactory hire for a long time and reallocate resources to hire someone better.
Technology has begun to reshape recruitment for companies and job seekers. AI tools help automate and streamline several recruitment processes, ensuring that recruiters can focus on building relations and expanding networks.
Learn and invest in AI tools for your recruitment processes.
Gamification also changes the way recruiters engage and attract potential hires. This approach employs game mechanics to encourage developer candidates to reach their goals. Gamifying recruitment enables recruiters and companies to evaluate the skills and qualifications of their applicants. It also helps reduce recruitment processing time and the stress of hiring people. This also gives companies an edge over their competitors.
Similar to gamification, people analytics enables companies to utilize analytical tools to better understand their hiring process and data for improved future hiring processes. As companies and industries become more data-driven, even hiring processes need to move towards implementing similar approaches. Applying such a data-driven approach to recruitment helps companies to use reliable and data-based decision-making for the company.
Preparing for future hiring will make your recruitment process more efficient, more manageable, and cost-efficient. There are many ways you can prepare for future hiring now. The most popular and accessible is by establishing a strong employer brand.
Start with your career site. Having an attractive career site enables people to know more about your company culture and your company's needs.
You should also promote your employer brand through social media, job boards and networking websites in order to reach out to a much wider audience and a pool of potential partners.
Networking also helps boost your efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment. Employee referrals and communications through professional networking sites enable you to establish relationships with potential future applicants and company partners or associates.
Most important is to archive applicant information for future reference. Developers who applied for your current job opening may not fit your company's needs for now, but they might in the future. Having access to these avenues makes it more manageable to hire professionals for future positions.
Anastasia Stefanuk is a passionate writer and Information Technology enthusiast sharing her experience online to help tech startups and companies to be up-to-date. She works as a Content Manager at Mobilunity, a provider of dedicated development teams around the globe.